Is john travolta gay fact check

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The film’s dep iction of disco and its soundtrack, not only exposed the culture to America but created the demand for it. It w as also selected for preservation by the National Film Registry for its impact on cinema. Saturday Night Fever, which celebrated its 40th-anniversary last month, has been occasionally criticized but has still been repeatedly celebrated throughout the years. In 2001, the Library of Congress designated the 1977 film as culturally, historically, or aesthetically significan t. Art is a reflection of its society and based on this, America is a society where women are used as props and filler. Which is why I think it’s important to revisit seminal films to explore how they became so vital to popular culture and what their context at the time meant for women. Something that has everyone asking, “Whoa, how did the treatment of women get so bad?!” But it’s almost like no one has bothered to watch movies ever.

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